About DrumSong Media

DrumSong Media was started in 2011 as a creative label for a college project by founder Anna Robins. Since then the name has been behind many documentary, community, animation, and educational media.

In 2015 DSM became a studio when a school from the Pine Ridge Reservation contracted their services to create the children’s web series Wayáwa Čík’ala. From there, DSM has helped many nonprofits and community organizations with media projects, plus produce original productions including award-winning films Hečhetu Welo (That is All), a short documentary about visual artist Dwayne Wilcox, and Moon Friend, a pandemic-inspired micro-animation. DSM continues to be dedicated to the stories that build bridges and communities.

What’s With the Name

“The name behind my productions had to portray a sense of community. As a musician, I naturally thought of music and the unifying effect it has on all of us. Almost every culture on Earth encompasses drums and percussion – beats and rhythm. This is how I came up with DrumSong Media – using the image of the drum as a way to cross borders and bring people together.” – Anna Robins

Filmmaker Anna Robins

Robins grew up moving around midwest America, but now calls the Black Hills region of South Dakota home. She has had a passion for movies and storytelling from a young age, along with music and composing. Besides making films, her work includes four albums, on EP, and an award-winning band. She also enjoys outdoor recreation, traveling, community organizing, small town events, and exploring other creative and crafty activities.

Check out Robin’s other projects: